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Schematic diagram of the different pathways of nutrient deposition into coastal waters and ensuing processes leading to eutrophication (algal blooms) and hypoxia (low oxygen levels leading to fish kills). Credit: Hans W. Paerl

Nutrient pollution from fertilizers in lawns and gardens as well as agricultural/livestock production is a problem with dramatic effects on our waterways and oceans.  What actions can you take to reduce harmful runoff in our streams and rivers?

Check out some of the media links below to learn about this problem in our waterways and some ways to combat it.

Here are some links to articles you can read with more in depth information about problems and solutions.


Take one of the actions below or come up with your own activity in celebration of World Oceans Day and share it with us at to enter in our World Oceans Day Challenge!

  • Create a responsible fertilizer plan for your lawn and send us the details.
  • Plot a section of your yard for a native plant garden and send us your plans or photos of your plantings.
  • If you live along a river or stream, survey your existing riparian buffers and make a plan to improve them.
  • Install a rain barrel, rain garden or other runoff reducing techniques in your yard or send us photos of techniques you currently use.
  • Create an art piece related to nutrient pollution to express your perspective or raise awareness.  Draw, paint, sculpt, write, record!
  • Come up with your own project or activity that addresses nutrient pollution and share it with us!