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Source: flickr Center for Neighborhood Technology.
Rain gardens reduce stormwater runoff pollution while adding beauty.

Check out some of the media links below to learn about this topic:

Take one of the actions below or come up with your own activity in celebration of World Oceans Day and share it with us at to enter in our World Oceans Day Challenge!

  • Use the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s tool to design a rain garden for your home.
  • Create a responsible fertilization plan for your lawn or garden.
  • Plot a section of your yard for a native plant garden.
  • If you live along a river or stream, survey your existing riparian buffers and make a plan to improve them.
  • Install a rain barrel, rain garden or other runoff reducing techniques in your yard.
  • Plant a tree. See more about tree planting and maintenance here.
  • Help reduce the amount of pollution in stormwater by calculating your carbon footprint and share ways you can reduce it.
  • Create an infographic or poster on stormwater pollution or on a strategy to reduce stormwater pollution.