1. Ensure that it is safe and permissible by local authorities to be outside.
As of July 1st, Virginia has moved into Phase 3. Outdoor activity is permitted, provided a minimum social distancing of 6 feet is maintained. Double check that the ordinances still permit this type of activity for the day of your cleanup. You can find official state updates here…
As long as it is permissible and safe to be outside, be sure to practice social distancing and robust sanitation practices before, during, and after your cleanup.
2. Select an appropriate time and place for your cleanup.
You can create your own river or stream clean-up route: Be sure to choose a safe location on whether on your own property, in your neighborhood, park, or farther afield. Your cleanup route can be done along a stream, at a river access point or in your neighborhood. If you choose to clean an area that is not on your own property, be sure that you have permission from the property owner. Wherever you choose, focus your efforts on where your will be able to maintain safe social distancing.
Select an area: We recommend that before you head out, you plan out the location of your cleanup, what route you want to take and calculate how long it will take you.
Time/ Conditions: Conduct your cleanup during daylight and under safe weather and river or stream conditions.
3. During the cleanup
— Dress appropriately to the conditions and the task.
— Check your local weather report, and consider the aea you plan to work in when picking your outfit and safety gear.
— Be sure to wear gloves that will protect your hands well. Bring water to drink, and plenty of trash bags.
— We typically recommend eye protection, sunscreen, sturdy boots or shoes (always covered toes), and long sleeves and pants.
— Remember, if you’re working along a stream or river there will be plenty of sticks and branches, and other things to be mindful of.
— Be aware of animals of all types and sizes that may also be enjoying the area where you plan to work.
— We strongly recommend never touching litter directly, nor your face, during your cleanup.
— Tongs, or other pick-up devices may help you more safely handle some types of litter.
— Only pick up litter that is safe to handle, and that can be easily disposed of or recycled.
By participating in this activity, I agree:
I understand that my participation in North Fork Clean Up Challenge is entirely voluntary, and although Friends of the North Fork is announcing the activity, it is not a sanctioned event of Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River (FNFSR), its staff, Board, or members. As such, I acknowledge that I am fully responsible for my own safety throughout my involvement in this self-guided activity. The activity involves numerous risks, including, but not limited to, property damage, serious injury, and death. I understand that the safety guidelines outlined may reduce some risks, but that they are not sufficient to eliminate any risk, and are not intended to substitute for, or override, my sole responsibility for my own safety and decisions. By conducting my own activity, I take full responsibility for my own safety and any potential harm. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless FNFSR, its Board, and members for any and all claims arising out of my participation.
In addition, I give permission for FNFSR to use my name and any photographs or videos I submit in connection with the volunteer event for publicity purposes, both in print or on the internet.