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“Voices of the Shenandoah: In Story and Song” — 2022 Swover Creek Farms & Brewery
Calling all storytellers and musicians for stories and songs of the river. Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River is hosting “Voices of the Shenandoah – In Story and Song”, for a second year in a row! Our event series has been cut back to one event this summer, but that does not mean it will be any less spectacular. We will host this year’s event at our local Swover Creek Farms and Brewery, where one will walk into a relaxing atmosphere to listen to a good story or song, enjoy live music, great food, brews and the company of others.
Date, Location, and Music:
Swover Creek Farms, 6 to 9pm on Friday July 15, 2022, Live Music: Katie and Kelly
Katie and Kelly, are a Sister-Duo from the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Together, they create visual and meaningful music with sweeping blood-harmonies and powerful lyrics. The Americana Roots singers’ have an EP, In the Middle, which brings light to the parts of ourselves that need to be seen and heard. With a decade of collective time on stage, and a lifetime of sisterhood, they bring the medicine of music to those around them each time they step to the stage.
The river is something that connects us all—and we’d love for you to share how you are connected to it. Take us on a part of your journey by sharing an experience from the river, an old tale passed down through generations related to it, or how the river has made an impact on your life. Experienced and novice storytellers and musicians are encouraged to submit!
Submission Details:
Stories: When read aloud, story submissions should be limited to 8-10 minutes in length. To enter your story you may email us your full written entry or audio/video recording to Or, you may call our office at 540.459.8550 to leave a 2-3 minute summary of your story by voicemail (please limit summaries to 2-3 minutes). However you submit, please be sure to include your name, phone number and email address with each story submission.
Songs: Songs intended for entry may be submitted by attaching your recording in an email to You are also welcome to play your song into our voice messaging system by calling 540.459.8550. Please submit only one song per email or call, and please be sure to include your name, phone number and email address with each musical entry. Lyric-less entries are welcome too.
All are welcome to make more than one story or music submission if you’d like.
If selected you will:
- Tell your full story or perform your music piece at Swover Creek Farms and Brewery.
Submission deadline: 11:59 Tuesday July 12
Story tellers will be notified: Two working days from their submission.
Questions? Contact our Education Support Specialist, Daisy Blakely.
These events are made possible through the generous support of the Bowman-Shannon Grant through the Shenandoah Community Foundation, Team Abby Walters, Regulus Group and Perry Engineering.