Interested in volunteering with Friends? We’d love to hear from you!
The strength of our organization is in our volunteers who help with a wide variety of activities and we greatly appreciate all of our volunteers.
Please fill out the form below and let us know your interests. Some areas in which volunteers are currently engaged:
- Monitoring the river — both regular water sampling with Friends of the Shenandoah River’s monitoring program, and other specialized projects
- Cleanups — every spring and fall we pull tons of stuff out of and near the river
- Assisting with environmental education school programs and summer camps
- Helping with Seven Bends State Park
- Event planning and set up
- Advocacy — attending public meetings to stay informed about local decisions, letter writing, tabling at events, educating the public
- Workshops — help with logistics, food, organizing and instructing
- Serving on various committees — Science, Education, Advocacy, Seven Bends State Park
- Office help — stuffing envelopes, writing, database management, graphic design, photography